Good Energy Massage

Integrative therapy for the Body, Mind and Spirit.

I am Only One

I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

–Edward Everett Hale

December 21, 2008 Posted by | Spirituality, Think about it | Leave a comment

All I was doing was breathing.

All I Was Doing Was Breathing


Something has reached out and taken in the beams of my eyes.

There is a longing, it is for his body, for every hair of that dark body.

All I was doing was being, and the Dancing Energy came by my house.

His face looks curiously like the moon, I saw it from the side, smiling.

My family says, “Don’t ever see him again!” and implies things in a low voice.

But my eyes have their own life; they laugh at rules, and know whose they are.

I believe I can bear on my shoulders whatever you want to say of me.

Mira says: Without the energy that lifts mountains, how am I to live?



All I Was Doing Was Breathing

November 14, 2008 Posted by | Breath, Spirituality | | Leave a comment


1. Meet wonderful men. The Body Electric School’s workshops
attract adventurous souls who are curious about life and enjoy
sensory engagement.

2. Learn new things about your body. Truly, it is one of
nature’s most amazing accomplishments, our bodies have a lifetime’s
worth of teaching available for the asking. Do you have any

3. Put a little surprise back in your life. When was the last
time you were truly amazed to be alive? Are you open to being
surprised by the generosity and kindness of others?

4. Remember what it’s like to feel powerful. We are talking
about authenticity from your core, the kind of power that engages
your sense of vulnerability.

5. Wake up spiritually. If you are committed to boredom, this
workshop will not serve you. Personal growth can be hazardous to
your sense of complacency.

6. Add some new tools to your survival kit. Have more fun.
Satisfy your desire for erotic intimacy. Cultivate a sense of life
as an adventure.

Celebrating the Body Erotic involves the mind, the body and the heart in a series of exercises that use breathing, stretching and touching. Many men are searching for a more meaningful connection to themselves, their partners and to others. When they take responsibility for their erotic education, they realize how much there is to learn about awakening the erotic energy that lies within all of us. Men can begin to realize the satisfaction that comes from learning how to both give and receive pleasure.

Celebrating the Body Erotic is a full two day, clothes-off and hands-on workshop (9am-7pm) for those who are ready to vigorously explore new levels of feeling, both within themselves and within a community of men.

September 16, 2008 Posted by | Body Electric, Local Events, Sexuality, Spirituality, Workshops | , , | Leave a comment

Thoughts on Sexual Energy

“…Sexual energy cannot be neatly separated from the rest of the energy spectrum that activates and animates us all. …The expression of sexual energy manifests the deepest and most powerful urge to merge ourselves with another.

“While most of us think of it as just physical, … sexual conjoining involves all three basic dimensions: matter/energy, subtle energies, and consciousness. In the orgasmic release we open ourselves completely to the other, but also give ourselves to the other. In its fullness, this is the most profound recognition of our connectedness not only with the one other, but to all others. In the momentary weakening of our own defenses we simultaneously sense the fullness of our own power.

“That is why western cultures and religions fear sexual energy and try to repress it. They do not want humans to know about and realize the extent of their own powerfulness. By keeping sexual energy boxed up it can be redirected to violence of all kinds or to mindless work.

“People who are sexually alive cannot not be suppressed and manipulated as others can. Being truly sexually satisfied makes possible the use of the rest of the energy spectrum for its most visionary and creative work. Such a use of the mind threatens the hierarchical powers of religion, governments, corporations, and other institutions designed for control of the masses by the few.”

– Paul Von Ward

September 5, 2008 Posted by | Healing, Sacred Intimacy, Sexuality, Spirituality, Think about it | , , | Leave a comment